Women running

Unpopular Opinion: Cortisol, Pilates and Hot Girl Walks

Are Your Workouts Keeping You Fat? The Social Media Myth Debunked

Scrolling through social media, it's hard to miss the barrage of posts blaming high-intensity workouts, running, or heavy lifting for keeping women fat. But is there any truth to these claims? As a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science, let me shed some light on this misconception.

Cortisol, often villainized in these discussions, plays a crucial role in our body's stress response. During exercise, cortisol levels rise temporarily. It's a natural process necessary for physiological improvements like strength gains and cardiovascular health. Cortisol levels return to baseline post-exercise. Contrary to the popular belief that cortisol levels will stay elevated all day after a high intensity workout.

If you DO have elevated levels of cortisol, your workouts alone are likely not the problem. Chronic stress, inflammation, dietary habits, mental well-being, and lifestyle choices all play significant roles. If you feel you may have elevated levels of cortisol throughout the day, you should get that tested to confirm so you can take the necessary actions to change that. You do not want to lower cortisol if your levels are normal. Blunting cortisol excessively can hinder results.

Carbohydrates are your friend when it comes to cortisol. Ingestion of carbohydrates helps lower levels of cortisol. Since essentially when cortisol is released it’s signaling to the body that “we need more energy to do x,y,z” if you are eating carbs - your body will have enough nutrients and will decrease levels of cortisol. If you’ve been avoiding carbs or in an extreme calorie deficit. Start there. Start by eating enough food and enough macronutrients.

Social media is a powerful tool, but it's crucial to scrutinize the information we consume. Not every influencer or fitness enthusiast is an expert. Instead of blindly following trends, let's prioritize evidence-based advice from qualified professionals.

Rather than demonizing certain workout regimes, focus on holistic health practices:

  1. Nourish your body with whole foods, ensuring you get adequate protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
  2. Minimize processed foods and sugar, which contribute to inflammation and stress.
  3. Limit alcohol consumption, as it can disrupt cortisol balance and increases inflammation.
  4. Engage in exercises you enjoy, whether it's HIIT, running, lifting, or something else entirely.
  5. Prioritize stress management techniques like meditation, outdoor walks, or yoga to support overall well-being.
  6. Have resistance training be part of your workout regime; there is SO much research to show the benefits of muscle strength.

Ultimately, it's about taking a comprehensive approach to health. By addressing diet, lifestyle, and exercise habits, you can optimize your fitness journey without falling prey to fear-mongering myths. So, lace up those sneakers, lift those weights, and embrace the power of holistic wellness.

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