
Do you find yourself wondering about the best pelvic floor exercise? Kegels, squats, deep belly breathing—there are many options out there, but the truth might just surprise you.

Believe it or not, the best pelvic floor exercise isn’t just one exercise. Like any other muscle in your body, your pelvic floor craves a variety of movements to thrive. You need strength, mobility, the ability to absorb force, and impeccable control and coordination.

But here’s the catch: what works for one person may not work for another. That’s why a personalized approach is key.

Assuming you have no specific pelvic floor concerns and simply want to maintain overall strength and health, here are the 10 exercises I recommend focusing on and why:

01. Deep Belly Breathing:

Counteract the effects of stress and shallow breathing by practicing deep belly breaths, which can alleviate pelvic floor tightness caused by constant abdominal contraction.

02. Understanding the Effects

 Enhance back mobility, crucial for optimal pelvic floor function, by incorporating this gentle yoga flow into your routine.

03. Happy Baby:

Not only is this pose incredibly relaxing, but it also provides a deep pelvic floor and inner thigh stretch, releasing tension that could be impacting your pelvic stability.

04. Deep Squat:

Embrace relaxation and release tension in your pelvic floor with this natural and effective position, particularly favored by pregnant individuals.

05. Thread the Needle / Trunk Rotation:

Combat the stiffness caused by modern sedentary lifestyles with thoracic spine rotations, which improve core strength and overall mobility.

06. Squats:

Functional and versatile, squats not only strengthen your legs and glutes but also improve core stability and pelvic floor health when done with proper breathing techniques.

07. Bridges / Hip Thrusts:

Say hello to stronger glutes and a resilient pelvic floor with these exercises, which go hand in hand in enhancing overall lower body strength.

07. Bridges / Hip Thrusts:

Say hello to stronger glutes and a resilient pelvic floor with these exercises, which go hand in hand in enhancing overall lower body strength.

08. Dead Bugs:

Engage your deeper core muscles without holding your breath, as proper breathing is key to maximizing the benefits of this exercise.


Develop deep core strength and endurance with this classic exercise, which also benefits your back and overall posture.

10.Explosive Movements:

Prepare your pelvic floor to handle sudden forces by incorporating small jumps or explosive exercises into your routine, ensuring proper breathing and landing mechanics to minimize impact.

Remember, these suggestions are not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s essential to consult with a specialist to tailor a program that meets your individual needs. However, if we’re talking about overall health and well-being, these exercises are my top priorities for achieving pelvic power and resilience.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine and focusing on overall pelvic health, you’re taking proactive steps towards a stronger, more resilient pelvic floor. Your future self will thank you for it!