
Urine Charge: Taking Control of Your Bladder's Urgent Requests

01. Pause, Breathe, and Delay:

When the urge strikes, whether you’re on the go or engrossed in tasks, resist the urge to rush. Take a moment to pause, take deep belly breaths, and exhale the urgency away. By mastering this technique, you can delay the immediate need to visit the restroom.

02. Power Up with Heel Raises:

Ready to outsmart your bladder? Engage your leg muscles with three sets of ten heel raises. These simple exercises divert your focus, giving you a well-deserved break from urgent bathroom trips.

03.Quick Kegels, Assertive Bladder:

Show your bladder who’s boss with ten quick kegels. By performing these exercises correctly, you send a powerful message that it’s not time to empty the tank just yet.

04.Mind Games: Distract and Conquer

When the urge becomes overwhelming, distract your mind with brain teasers. Crunch numbers, count backwards by 7, or challenge yourself with alphabetical recitations of countries. These mental games divert your attention and decrease the urgency

05.Repeat and Reassess:

Persistence pays off! Repeat the strategies above two to three times. Should the urge persist, resist the temptation to rush. Instead, gracefully walk to the restroom. 

06.Unlock Personalized Solutions:

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Seeking professional help is key to uncovering tailored solutions.

While changing our behavior around certain activities can help with these symptoms, they may not be the ONLY thing contributing to this. You could have pelvic floor muscle weakness, tightness, or both. Which is why it’s important to see a professional to help you and make a personalized plan just for you!